Flying Experience

Norwegian Air Virtual gives you a great flying experience, we have many experienced pilots you can learn from, maybe you can learn and give to others?

A great route network

Norwegian Air Virtual has a wide route selection to all types of destinations, we update them regularly

Adavanced Crew Center

Norwegian Air Virtual is glad they have Dan as the CEO, he is a hobby programmer who has managed a unique Crew Center.

Latest Flights

Flight Departure Destination Flight Time Aircraft Pilot
DY271 ENCN ENGM 00:58:00 B737-800 NOZ0041 Mira Skymoen
DY1126 ENGM EDDH 01:21:00 B737-800 NOZ0055 Philipp  Pinz
D83640 EKCH LFMN 02:24:00 B737-800 NOZ0055 Philipp  Pinz
D85574 LEBL EKCH 02:29:00 B737 MAX 8 NOZ0040 Philip Kreuzer
D83996 ENGM OMDW 09:45:00 B737-800 NOZ0046 Adrian Music
Flights Today


Flights Flown


Total Hours


Miles Flown

